Ventilation, air-conditioning, smoke extraction, ventilation - all comfort and safety equipment is part of a system which is designed to provide the optimum solution for a specific building. We will help you to create and select a system that will satisfy not only every investor, but ultimately the end user as well.
System wentylacji bytowej i oddymiania parkingów i garaży podziemnych składający się z wentylatorów strumieniowych, osiowych, detektorów i tablic ostrzegawczych, uzupełniony o automatykę zasilająco-sterującą. Poprawia komfort i zapewnia bezpieczeństwo użytkowników oraz ekip ratowniczych w trakcie pożaru.
System oddymiania klatek schodowych z grawitacyjnym usuwaniem dymu przez klapę oddymiającą zlokalizowaną w stropie oraz mechaniczną kompensacją w formie wentylatora napowietrzającego z punktem nawiewnym na najniższej kondygnacji.
System różnicowania ciśnienia dla klatek schodowych, przedsionków p.poż. i szybów windowych . Stanowi najbezpieczniejsze rozwiązanie polegające na zapobieganiu przedostawania się dymu w trakcie pożaru do stref ewakuacji, gwarantując wolną od dymu drogę ucieczki z budynku.
In the process of designing and construction of buildings it is necessary to ensure fire safety of both the building and the people in it. One of the key elements of this protection is an effective fire ventilation system. In order to meet this challenge we offer comprehensive execution of ventilation systems in fire hazard zones, such as underground car parks, communication tunnels, warehouse halls or staircases. Depending on your needs, we can equip your installation with smoke ventilators, control automatics or a CO/LPG gas detection system, as well as provide installation, wiring and commissioning services for the entire fire ventilation system. As part of the full scope of work, we provide investment support from design to final acceptance.
We offer the supply of high-quality ventilation equipment for smoke ventilation, aeration, smoke prevention, domestic and industrial ventilation systems. All devices have all required approvals and certificates for use in smoke and heat control systems.
We ensure the supply of certified automation and control systems for fire-fighting equipment. The control systems we offer guarantee reliable operation of the installation both during a fire and in the ventilation mode. In accordance with the applicable regulations, the automatics has a National Technical Assessment, a National Certificate of Constancy of Performance and a Certificate of Admittance issued by the CNBOP-PIB.
We provide services in the supply of gas detection systems for underground garages, hazardous areas, industrial installations and comfort systems. Our product range includes primarily CO and LPG detectors and warning signs, with carbon dioxide, methane, NOx and refrigerant detectors also available.
One of the services offered is the installation of cable routes along with the supply and installation of cabling. We provide control, power supply and monitoring of devices such as smoke ventilators, domestic ventilation fans, fire dampers, power and control centres and gas detectors. We only use products of proven suppliers such as TECHNOKABEL, BITNER or BAKS.
The comprehensive service of an investment also includes the development of design and as-built documentation. Depending on the advancement of the investment we can provide a conceptual, construction, technical or detailed design together with the development of CFD simulations. Each of our projects ends with providing full as-built documentation necessary to obtain the final acceptance of the installation.
As part of the implementation, we carry out mechanical assembly of the supplied equipment. The offered scope may also include the delivery and assembly of dedicated support structures. All assembly works are carried out by professional, highly qualified installation teams, using only dedicated, system materials.
Our works are supervised by experienced sanitary and electrical work managers with full building licences. Professional service of the investment is guaranteed both at the stage of implementation and operation, by providing warranty and post-warranty service.
At the stage of acceptance work, smoke tests are carried out to verify the correct operation of the applied system. Depending on the needs, smoke tests are carried out using cold or hot smoke.
We offer our experience already at the installation design stage. We prepare both the initial assumptions necessary to develop architectural and structural designs as well as detailed branch guidelines at the stage of final technical and executive designs. On our part, you can count on technical elaboration in a descriptive and drawing form, which will facilitate and accelerate your work on designing fire ventilation systems.
Our experienced technical advisors will help you choose the right equipment for your project. Thanks to several years of cooperation with regular suppliers, we have gained detailed knowledge of the products offered. It is worth taking advantage of our experience, thanks to which the design solutions will include the most optimal devices both from the technical and economic point of view.
In many cases, designed fire ventilation installations require confirmation of their effectiveness, therefore our offer includes the development of CFD computer simulations. With our support, your project will be complemented by a report on the analysis carried out and an agreement with an independent fire protection expert, which guarantees that your project complies with the applicable regulations.
In order to ensure reliable operation of the fire ventilation system, its coordination with the electrical branch is essential. On our part, you can count on the development of guidelines for the electrical system, including power balance, control matrix, block diagrams or cable lists.
At the stage of design arrangements, we ensure coordination with the architectural-construction and sanitary branches. Cooperation with us at such early stage of the project will allow us to adjust the architecture of the facility to the requirements of the fire ventilation system, including the location and size of smoke extraction and supply ducts, as well as to avoid collisions with elements of the sanitary installations.
All the equipment we offer has the approvals necessary to place the products on the market. For each designed element of the installation we prepare a package of documentation necessary to develop, among other things, material cards, as well as to obtain final acceptance of the systems.
We are happy to share our knowledge and experience, which is why we offer technical and product training courses where we present very detailed guidelines for the design of fire ventilation systems. Depending on your needs, the training meeting can take place at your office, in a conference room at our headquarters or online.
We provide materials and software to help you with your own design work. You can use our free QuickFan sizing program, which has a database of all our fans, as well as many tools for calculations such as air resistance, acoustics and differential pressure systems. We also have an extensive database of drawings available in 2D and 3D editable files which you can find on the platform.
Our specialised staff of engineers will help you solve your technical problems. We offer our support from the selection of devices and other elements of the installation, through assembly guidelines, including drawings and diagrams, to the provision of complete technical documentation for the final acceptance of the investment.
We prepare installation cost estimates and quotations for individual components of fire and domestic ventilation systems. From our side you can count on a detailed and reliable offer, which you can use to develop the scope of your services in tender proceedings and for individual customers.
As part of cooperation with us, you can also take advantage of comprehensive investment services. We assemble and wire the equipment supplied by us, provide supervision by the site manager and carry out tests, commissioning, calibrations and acceptance trials.
We offer an after-sales service in the form of a service and guarantee for supplied equipment and performed works. Our authorised service provides both guarantee and post-guarantee services.
Oferujemy kompleksową dostawę systemu oddymiania strumieniowego w parkingach podziemnych. Zależnie od potrzeb wyposażymy Twoją instalację w wentylatory oddymiające, bytowe, automatykę sterującą czy system detekcji gazów CO/LPG, jak również zapewnimy usługę montażu, okablowania oraz uruchomienia całego systemu wentylacji hali garażowej. W ramach pełnego zakresu prac zapewniamy obsługę inwestycji począwszy od projektu, aż po odbiór końcowy.
W naszym asortymencie znajdziesz kompletny system zapobiegania zadymieniu pionowych i poziomych dróg ewakuacyjnych. Oferujemy certyfikowany zestaw wyrobów do różnicowania ciśnienia, składający się z jednostki napowietrzającej oraz automatyki z zaawansowanymi sterownikami. W ramach realizacji wykonujemy montaż, okablowanie, uruchomienie i kalibrację całego systemu, a także przeprowadzamy próby odbiorcze zgodnie z normą PN-EN 12101-6.
W zakresie realizowanych systemów wentylacji pożarowej znajdziesz oddymianie klatek schodowych z nawiewem mechanicznym. Poza dostawą jednostek napowietrzających i automatyki sterującej oferujemy szeroki wachlarz elementów do uzupełnienia systemu takich jak klapy dymowe, czujniki dymu czy przyciski oddymiania. Zakres prac możemy zakończyć montażem urządzeń i okablowaniem systemu.
W naszej ofercie znajdziesz rozwiązania dla wentylacji tuneli drogowych. Zapewniamy dostawę wentylatorów strumieniowych i osiowych oddymiających o odpowiednich parametrach i gabarytach dla takich inwestycji. Możesz liczyć na naszą fachową pomoc w projektowaniu i doborze odpowiednich urządzeń, a także pomoc techniczną w zakresie doradztwa montażowego czy okablowania.